A research team led by Prof. Haji Akber Aisa from the Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics & Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences isolated 12 dimeric amide alkaloid enantiomers with anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic effects from P. longum fruits using a molecular network-based dereplication strategy.
A research team led by Prof. WEN Liping from the Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed a biomimetic adsorbent that can attract and hold uranium ions. The inspiration for this adsorbent is the natural porous structure of the spiky, globular fruit of the Chinese sweet gum tree, Liquidambar formosana.
A research team led by Academician YU Shuhong from the University of Science and Technology of China reported a new strategy for preparing the nacre-like ceramic-metal composites (ceramets) based on deformable alumina microspheres coated with nickel salt. These materials have excellent bending strength and fracture toughness, and can be mass-produced in various shapes through simple techniques.
A research group led by Prof. ZHOU Yongjin from the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, collaborating with researchers from the Naval Medical University, has achieved the biosynthesis of the antiviral ingredient lignan glycoside in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
A research team led by Prof. KONG Fang from Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter of the Chinese Academy of Sciences discovered a facile route to long-wave infrared birefringent crystal, which is expected to overcome the trade-off between wide infrared transmission and large birefringence.
Researchers from the Xinjiang Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, have developed a novel design strategy to enhance optical anisotropy in low-dimensional structures.
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